The Florence Houteff Story(Her Rise and Fall) (Part 2)

29 May

Micah 7:14 | "The Lord is my Shepherd"

A business meeting is called on March 26, 1959. Less than one month before the predicted event (April 22, 1959).

“Held in the Office of the Vice-President March 26, 1959 , 2 pm.… The council now set about to determine the exact date for the commencement of the 1260 days of Rev-elation 11. It was in October of 1955 that the code article on the 1260 days was written. It was thought that this might be the beginning of the time. The records were gotten out and the mailing of the Novem-ber Code occured November 9, 1955…
With this date as the starting point and counting the 1260 days the period ends April 22, 1959….Meeting concluded at 6:15 pm.”

The date of the end of the 1260 days is now official according to Florence and her council. The public is informed and by some accounts, over 1000 people will soon arrive on the camp. The Rod is to now be set upon the altar. The people had been warned that solemn church judgment would come in a prior new code newsletter by the council as follows –

As Florence and the council were approaching the date of fulfillment, they considered when the “solemn assembly” should be called. Meetings were called and prayers offered to know exactly when to call it.

On March 30th, 1959, a meeting is called to announce the following –

“G.W. Saether now moved “that a resolution be drawn up that all Davidians in this country assemble on Mt. Carmel Center, Waco Texas, on or before April 16t, 1959.and that all Davidians in foreign countries be notified of this meeting and that they also hold themselves in readiness where they are to get their de-liverance from the Assyrian yoke. That these announcements be sent out as soon as possible. There was a second to this by J.O. Conrad and all were in favor of it. The meeting closed after 9 ½ hours at 6:30 P.M. T.O Hermanson offered the closing prayer.”

NOTE: This was sent out to all Davidians.

Dudley Goff, a close associate to Florence Houteff goes public to announce to the world Florence and her council’s expectations.

Also newspaper articles are written.

New Carmel and Florence Houteff -

The big day comes:


Soon bewilderment comes in and desperation begins to set in as to – why? Why had the people not been led to witness what surely, according to the deep study by the Florence and her council, would be the fulfillment of the 1260 days and the slaughter of Ezekiel 9 on April 22, 1959?

After prayer and many days of nothing happening, a sad realization begins to set in. On June 21, 1959 a council meeting is called and some of the comments made were –

Cecil Helman: “It was a mistake to place the Shepherd’s Rod on the altar. The Message stands on its own feet. This was the stand of the Council only and not that of the members of the association.. The events predicted have not taken place. .. The Council usurped the Spirit of Prophecy in prophesying and if the Lord condemns the General Conference then He will condemn us too.”

The disulution and break up soon occurs:

Florence decides that the message should not only go to the SDA church but to the world. She, along with others, particularly Dudley Goff embark on a radio program to reach the world. It soon fails miserably.

As time goes by the DSDA membership begins to lose members because of disillusionment and of the floundering of the Florence led movement.

Some subsequent events after the Knock out blow:

1) Ben Roden comes to Mt. Carmel frequently to promote His “Branch Davidian” teachings, relying on the central idea that Victor Houteff could not be the “real” Elijah because he died. The implication was that he, Roden, would be that one to finish the work, the “real” Elijah. He died in 1978. (See Adair’s aforementioned book)

2) After floundering through about 3 largely fruitless years with the message and seeing many leave the movement, Florence and the council throw in the towel and decide to end the movement altogether. She turns over the remaining assets to a lawyer for liquidation She later disavows the Rod message and even Ellen White as a true prophetess of God. Ironically she later marries and becomes Florence Eakin! Pronounced as “Achan” as in the Joshua thievery Biblical lesson.

3) A few of the original Rod members decide to regroup, led by brother H. G. Warden and M.J. Bingham, to form the “100% Rod only” group in California. Warden later joins up with Don Adair to start the Salem association in 1970. Bingham goes on to start Bashan organization.

4) Florence quits the movement and never returned. She retired in the state of Washington. She dies as Florenece Eakin at the age of 89.

The moral lesson for all Davidians:

The lesson of Florence Houteff is a sad one indeed. No matter how close we think we may be to the inner circles of God’s people, whether a council member, a team leader, secretary or any other position in the message, we are never to think our arch enemy will not attempt to throw us down or worse – out. Florence, just like Judas, was as close as one can get, yet ended being so far. Our King forewarned us in the White House Recruiter, yet sadly despite this warning many Davidians left this movement as the “blow” showed their lack of faith. Let us cling to our King and not to man and heed this solemn ensample for our admonition.

“Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come.” (1 Cor. 10:11)

“Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall.” (1 Cor. 10:12)

Florence Houteff – WRSP

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