The Sad Saga Continues (Part 2)

26 Jun

Edstrom destroying

In part 2 we will go into some of the specific reasons brothers like Eric Edstrom condemn associations like Mt. Dale, Waco and IGADSDA to see if they are real reasons to murmur and spread their accusations around Davidia. We’ll focus on the main accusations , and the others we’ll let the people make up their own mind.

Publish the new codes –To get some history on this situation we suggest you review this post-

First, this issue must be understood as a very mis -understood and confusing issue with many factors. For instance there are many DSDA , including the two original members sister Bonnie Smith  and brother Don Adair who believe that the new codes were indeed brother Houteff’s sermons. Sister Smith firmly remembers some of the actual sermon addresses in the new codes.

We believe that “some” of them were most likely his sermon addresses. For instance take some time to read this new code and see the depth and truly amazing truths spoken here.

So this is not a black and white issue, this much is sure.

This all being said, those of us who have studied this issue know all too well that the new codes currently circulating have missing pages within them, which leads to suspect credibility. The complete original copies  of the new codes are found at  Carroll Library at Baylor University, Waco Texas.
The reason that not all the new codes are published is the obvious errors posted in some of them.

It is also important to understand that not all the members of Waco and Mt. Dale believe in the new codes. For example, we know of one of the long time leaders of Mt. Dale, who upon serious study has changed his belief in them and declaring them of “historical value” and not inspired value.

This also is our stance. While we cannot support them as inspired, we can support them as historical and whatever blessing can be received from them such as the great Sabbath report in volume 13, no.5-6 shown above.

So are the unpublished (by VTH) codes truth or not? The simple answer , we believe, is yes and no. So what are we do to about this situation? Are we to do as Eric Edstrom does and condemn the organizations for their advocating the new codes, when such great controversy and mis-understandings exist?

We cannot mount the judgment seat as Edstrom has. For one thing to condemn the organizations for this new code controversy, is to put a broad condemnation stroke upon the rest of the work going on with these organizations.

Those who condemn Waco, Mt. Dale and IGADSDA, need to step back and understand that it is the “Spirit of Truth” that guides us  into “all truth”(John 16:13). We can make suggestions based on our knowledge of the situation but to broadly condemn an organization for this , we believe, is to mount the judgment seat when Christ has allowed this controversy to exist. Most likely to test our “study to show yourselves approved” ability.

As we mentioned in part one, how did Edstrom come into this message? Which of the “condemned organizations” was God working through so that he could learn this message? Waco, Mt. Dale or Salem?

Further, are we to think that God has not brought any of his servants (part of the 144k) through these organizations?  NO ONE can be deceived if they hunger after truth, even if they belong to organizations that are not perfect in their understandings.

“God will not let you be deceived if you really hunger and thirst after righteousness, if you really want to know the Truth, for He is anxious that you keep up with His progressively revealed Truth.  There is therefore no danger for one to be deceived by coming in contact with error, but there is a great danger for staying in darkness by not coming in contact with fresh Truth.” (1 TG, no. 12, p.18) 

So what is the real problem here with the published new codes? From what we can gather it seems to be that the new codes teach that the “Jacob’s time of trouble” comes before the Ezek. 9 church judgment. Is God going to condemn people like sister Bonnie Smith for thinking that Jacob’s time of trouble comes before Ezek. 9? Woe! We do not dare want to go down that road!

Further we know from the Lord’s Rod that not all teachings or understandings , whether we truly understand them or not,  is salvational. Let us read–

"...our experience in gospel publishing work teaches us that many who have spent almost  countless hours of precious time in confusing the subject of the sign of Jonah, have spent but very little time in studying more essential subjects such as the prohibition against private interpretations of the Scriptures (2 Pet. 1:19, 20); the Spirit of Prophecy (Rev. 19:10); the Sabbath (Ex. 20:8-11); baptism (Matt. 3:15; Acts 2:38); the Kingdom (Isa. 2:2), the slaughter of Ezekiel 9, tithe paying (Mal. 3:10); although these vital subjects call for performance, -- a duty to practice the truths which they teach, -- whereas the sign of Jonah demands nothing.

After one acquires all the knowledge necessary pertaining to the sign of Jonah, he is neither better nor worse off so far as his Christianity is concerned, without taking into account the time wasted if his conclusions on the subject be wrong.

   But what is still worse, should a group of people who are rightly proclaiming all the revealed doctrines, disagree with these zealous preachers of sign of Jonah, as to what "the heart of the earth" may mean, the latter will in most instances not only forsake fellowshiping with their brethren, and cease helping to proclaim the more important doctrines, but will also become so obsessed with their pet idea that their minds cannot comprehend much else." (Tract 10, p.20-21)

Bottomline, once again we urge brother Edstrom and all those like him to come down from their judgment seat and realize that they too will be judged , just like all of us and it is better to keep your eyes on your own work than to condemn others where the issue is allowed by the Lord for His own reasons.

Headquarters and storehouse issue –This issue is also quite a controversial and involved issue. We have made a post concerning this issue in regards to the controversy of the headquarters issue between Mt. Dale and Waco

It really has no clear answers except if you happen to believe brother Edstrom’s view. In his presentations, he makes it clear (although he doesn’t say it directly) that there is no real true storehouses today except his own. He has found all the light on this subject and one should at once escape the “false organizations” and run to his.

We mentioned in part one that we had good solid “Thus sayeth the Lord” reasons for not supporting Edstrom’s organization and this storehouse issue is a prime one.

In his site he advocates that present truth believers print their own literature from their home or office. This in itself is not a bad thing, and can be helpful if one is set up to do it.

However, Edstrom seriously crosses the line with his announcement–“Meanwhile the real work of getting the original SRod literature out as the leaves of autumn under a multitude of independent storehouses under the control of the Holy Spirit lies languishing in the dust in large part because of Rob Peralta’s hatred of the truth that comes from”

(Note: Edstrom made these original remarks and subsequently has now changed them but they are strictly what was said by him.)

Here we see that Edstrom advocates “a multitude of independent storehouses.” This suggests that anyone who desires can call their own home a  — storehouse. Please read part one and find what the message says about this matter.  This teaching by Edstrom is in direct violation of the Lord’s Rod therefore we cannot support his organizations.

Additonally, Edstrom has condemned our work on Truth Tellers and as such why in the world would we advocate a brother who clearly mounts the judgment seat against our work? Thanks but no thanks, we’ll not lead others to a divisive spirit among us that may be thus contaminated with this same spirit.

This whole saga started on his account, judging us as a “thief” for making a post on the “Special Resurrection”. This we have dealt with here –

IRS 501c3 issue–  We do agree this is a quagmire and is a prickly thorn in the side of the SDA and DSDA. However, we need to step back and ask this very important question–

Has this issue stopped the Elijah messengers from spreading His message? NO!!  We all know that the SDA has greatly limited the message from going to the people via the leaders. The prophecy of Hosea tells us all about it. Yet, no 501c3 issue has caused present truth believers any harm to spread the message–yet. So what is happening here? THE FOUR WINDS ARE HELD BACK! That’s right, the angel’s are holding back the government, even the issue of 501c3, and any other people or thing from denying the people access to the message!

So this is an issue , yes, but not one that God has allowed to hinder the work.

In his recent post, we’d like to comment on Edstrom’s following blast against brother Archer–

“…counterfeit Waco Association under the control of Norman Archer who will continue to block the Truth for his selfish gratifications at the expense of the poor innocent souls  who are starved from the complete original unadulterated SRod message.” 

We have never had the chance to meet brother Archer until just recently (within the last three months). We had heard some murmuring about him and we had our suspicions. But about three months ago we got a call from brother Archer asking if we could have a meeting soon. We gladly accepted.

Brother Archer and another brother came to our city a couple weeks later and we met for lunch at a local restaurant. Long story short, I was quite surprised to hear his outlook on the message today and what was going on in the field. He spoke glowingly about the upcoming meeting in Loma Linda where they would be having about a dozen people from some SDA churches. They were going to hold some prophecy studies and seemed excited that it was an opportunity to spread the Lord’s Elijah message to the SDA.

Again about a month later we held a second meeting and once again I was impressed with his dedication to doing more studies for the SDA people. Bottomline is that all I heard was great love for the brethren. No “Waco is the only storehouse” or “You must join Waco” etc. etc.

Now I ask this question –How many meetings is Edstrom putting on monthly to reach the SDA brethren? When was the last time he reported from the field his work in meeting and studying with the brethren like brother Archer does regularly? We rest our case!

“You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.” (Matt.7:5)

In closing, we find nothing more than the following inspired words describing the condition of those who , like brother Edstrom and the Pharisees of old are/were truly blinded.

“You blind guides, who strain out a gnat and swallow a camel!(Matt.23:24)

“Satan has his work to accomplish, and he brings his power to bear most strongly at the great heart of the work. He seizes men and women who are selfish and unconsecrated, and makes of them sentinels to watch the faithful servants of God, to question their words, their actions, and their motives, and to find fault and murmur at their reproofs and warnings. Through them he creates suspicion and jealousy, and seeks to weaken the courage of the faithful, to please the unsanctified, and to bring to nought the labors of God’s servants.” (Testimonies, vol. 4, p.194)

 “Accusers of the brethren are not few, and they are always active when God is at work and His servants are rendering Him true homage. They will put a false coloring upon the words and acts of those who love and obey the truth. They will represent the most earnest, zealous, self-denying servants of Christ as deceived or deceivers. It is their work to misrepresent the motives of every true and noble deed, to circulate insinuations, and arouse suspicion in the minds of the inexperienced. In every conceivable manner they will seek to cause that which is pure and righteous to be regarded as foul and deceptive.

But none need be deceived concerning them. It may be readily seen whose children they are, whose example they follow, and whose work they do. “Ye shall know them by their fruits.” Matthew 7:16. Their course resembles that of Satan, the envenomed slanderer, “the accuser of our brethren.” Revelation 12:10. (Great Controversy, p.519-520)

“As for a person who stirs up division, after warning him once and then twice, have nothing more to do with him, knowing that such a person is warped and sinful; he is self-condemned.”(Titus 3:10-11)

“There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers.” (Proverbs 6:16-19)

Let us pray one for another. There is really very little time and those among us who are at the head of the work will be judged more strictly(James 3:1), and yours truly needs your prayers as well. May the Lord guide you into “all truth” (John 16:13).

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